You have to kill somebody innocent

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  • #16
    Re: You have to kill somebody innocent

    yea why no option for 1billion dollars n shit this would be a whole lot easier

    but yea id do it for the 20 years, unless that means live til 100 instead of 80.


    • #17
      Re: You have to kill somebody innocent

      Originally posted by luneeben View Post
      Eh if I find out they have a liquid form o aids remover that you can lather on yo body like sun lotion I'd be happy with just knowing that, fuck letting everyone else know, my fellow gangrape rape gangers will prolly get told though, rapists need to know that info.
      And fuck that little girl, world is overpopulated anyway.
      who mentioned rape?


      • #18
        Re: You have to kill somebody innocent

        im slow dancing to the swag in this thread.
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        • #19
          Re: You have to kill somebody innocent

          no fuck tha extra 20 years haha ud still be old ud jus be even older in ur 120s or watever n old ppl dnt hav no fun n r shit

          id hav to think bout the other 2, probs C cuz could make doe n other shit off of that
          "I have measured out my life with coffee spoons"
          - T.S. Eliot

          "Why should I apologize for the monster I've become? No one ever apologized for making me this way."
          - The Joker

          “Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot.”


          • #20
            Re: You have to kill somebody innocent

            Originally posted by Morgzy View Post
            who mentioned rape?
            Its a ice breaker for these serious issues


            • #21
              Re: You have to kill somebody innocent

              Originally posted by fresco View Post
              lmao people get murked everyday over a couple hundred dollars and they actualyl have to look the person in the face n watch them die..... the fuck are u talkin about
              I'm just saying,

              A. Who would want to live 20 years longer? Assuming you live to be the national average which around 65, will probably be in the 70s by the time I get that old, that's more than good enough for me, fuck being 90 unless some form of anti aging procedure or some shit is invented by then. If you had said eternal youth or immortality that would have been better.

              B. I guess this one would be good since you could get with Oprah or some shit and get her to give you millions, but 10 chicks in a life time aint that good.

              C. This is a decent one, and the one I picked since you could look up stocks or lottery numbers, but the option of say a billion dollars or some shit would be a better option since you wouldn't have to work for it.


              • #22
                Re: You have to kill somebody innocent

                I'd pick someone from Mexico..
                .. & C.

                I'd win so much money
                Lottery numbers & such.


                • #23
                  Re: You have to kill somebody innocent

                  Originally posted by Craig View Post
                  yea why no option for 1billion dollars n shit this would be a whole lot easier

                  but yea id do it for the 20 years, unless that means live til 100 instead of 80.
                  yes thats exactly what it means, it adds 20 years to your natural death timeline but you can still be murdered or hit by a bus beforehand. it wont be like you got shot and die and then get to come back and its like aite u got 20 years left of being invincible then ur dead


                  • #24
                    damn nobody deserves to die but the prizes are so good


                    • #25
                      Re: You have to kill somebody innocent

                      Originally posted by King John View Post
                      I'm just saying,

                      A. Who would want to live 20 years longer? Assuming you live to be the national average which around 65, will probably be in the 70s by the time I get that old, that's more than good enough for me, fuck being 90 unless some form of anti aging procedure or some shit is invented by then. If you had said eternal youth or immortality that would have been better.

                      B. I guess this one would be good since you could get with Oprah or some shit and get her to give you millions, but 10 chicks in a life time aint that good.

                      C. This is a decent one, and the one I picked since you could look up stocks or lottery numbers, but the option of say a billion dollars or some shit would be a better option since you wouldn't have to work for it.

                      its not _only_ 10 chicks.. keep in mind you've probably already banged several chicks (I'm hoping) and these will be 10 guaranteed locked down for life and will always do whatever you tell them to because they're basically giving themselves to you as property. so you can still hit whoever you want and they will be in love with you forever.

                      the 20 years thing could be cool though, because you never know you might get the newspapers from the future and then all of a sudden get a heart attack n die tomorrow. or some kid in mexico decides he randomly wants to kill somebody for his wish n u die.


                      • #26
                        Re: You have to kill somebody innocent

                        whats the benefits of readin all of 2013's news? whats in it for me?

                        i guess i could find out winning lottery numbers right?


                        • #27
                          Re: You have to kill somebody innocent

                          the 2013 shit seems like a lot of work.

                          a lot of potential to invent stuff ect. but nothing is for certain

                          i also dont want to live til im 100, assuming i would be miserable because it would be 20 years after my natueral death deadline plus id out live my loved ones ect.

                          probably take the girls.


                          • #28
                            Re: You have to kill somebody innocent

                            i dont see how killing someone to make someone fall in love with you is any different to knowing everything thats gonna happen a year in advance.
                            i think if i got overly rich from that i wouldnt think that ive stolen anything from anyone. (winning lotto, shares/futures markets, bonds, commodities)
                            i wont feel that ive actually stolen money off anyone.

                            where as if i took the option to make 10 bitches fall in love with me i would feel that ive not only killed some innocent person but ive also ruined the lives of 10 chicks who prolly deserved better. (cause if they always gonna be in love with me ill treat like shit 100% of the time.)

                            so really if you choose C only one life is ruined, but B there goes 11.

                            fuck living 20 years longer.
                            Originally posted by Fleekan

                            do you get a lot of pussy?

                            cuz i do


                            • #29
                              I'd prolly go with B

                              A is the worst because by the time our natural deaths approach 20 years will seem like an month in today's time

                              C you will get rich, but will feel even more miserable taking money/inventions from people who you essentially steal them from. Remember you'll read about the names of these people and it would eventually depress you.

                              B is the best because you get any girl you want which is incredible, and you can still get rich off making one of your ten choices for girls some rich bitch. She'd give u all the money you want and ur not really stealing it from someone who was supposed to have it. She'd give it to you.

                              I would choose a rich girl, and three girls on earth of my choice, an then keep picking the finest 18 year old every ten years mmmmm


                              • #30
                                Re: You have to kill somebody innocent

                                looking back in it, option b is too OP so lets redefine this shit

                                if you do the 20 years thing then you get to be unkillable for 20 years starting whenever you want. if you wait too long to start the invincibility you could die before it gets to be put on, but if you start it too early it might run out when you're 40 and just beginning to need it. (you can't just be taking bullets and doing superhero shit but you basically just wont die because the universe will keep you out of harm)

                                if you choose B you can have ANY 5 girls you want in the world to be yours. they will love you forever, do anything for you, and act like your property. You can pick rich girls, famous girls, girls who can give you power and make you rich and famous.

                                if you choose the newspapers you can just the stocks and basically just make tons of money. you will also be able to probably avoid some natural disasters and shit and know what sport teams will win what so you can easily win bets , also lottery numbers. You'll also know some really sweet stuff that people don't know, you can probably steal an invention and patent it first, you can pretend to be a psychic and become rich and famous.

                                Keep in mind that this is EVERY newspaper from the entire year of 2013 so you'll be able to chart shit out thru the year in EVERY city. So you could find out whos the next president, find out if anyone in your family dies that year and save their life, see what new trends there are and steal them and say you made them up..... shit is crazie


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