Goldfarming in video games

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  • Goldfarming in video games

    Yo, so I'm taking this Microcomputer Applications class where we basically just learn extensive bullshit about Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and all those programs.

    We have to do a team project and each person covers an individual thing, my thing is "Online Gaming" because fuck yeah that's obviously the best subject to talk about out of all the weird shit she gave us.

    I got a ton of content that I can cover because I'm a lameassnerd and I play a lot of video games. BUT, one of the things she said is mandatory that I cover is "goldfarming" in games, and the ethics around it.

    I never played those WoW/Runescape type of games where this was actually a thing, but basically it's about people who no-life a game and farm a shit ton of gold or in-game supplies and then turn around and sell it to noobs for real money via paypal or w/e.

    If any of y'all beautiful-faced people on here have some insight to this, maybe a well-known incident or scandal I could cite, then I'd be appreciative and I'll reply to 10 of your posts with this face:

    That sounds like a pretty solid deal imo.

    But forreal, I got so much content prepared for this topic, I just don't know much about goldfarming and she's adamant that I talk about it. So help a brotha out.

    P.S. Free Brendan Dassey. The kid doesn't even know what inconsistent means.
    Professional amount-of-jellybeans-in-a-jar guesser.

    Negging your alts since 2013

  • #2
    Re: Goldfarming in video games

    Closest thing I know about is what was called ELO boosting in League of Legends. Basicly people would pay you to get their account from bronze to diamond or diamond to challenger or whatever. I've heard of people getting payed up for $1300 for a single boost which likely took about 5 10 hour days or possibly more. Not bad for a teenager.


    • #3
      Re: Goldfarming in video games

      if you were half decent at the game you could buy a fresh lvl 30 account and boost it to mid diamond in a couple days. took me 4 though. they were long days.


      • #4
        Re: Goldfarming in video games

        Originally posted by FuccBoiFresh View Post
        Closest thing I know about is what was called ELO boosting in League of Legends. Basicly people would pay you to get their account from bronze to diamond or diamond to challenger or whatever. I've heard of people getting payed up for $1300 for a single boost which likely took about 5 10 hour days or possibly more. Not bad for a teenager.
        Yeah man, my homie got me into LoL this past summer. I'm complete trash. I main annie support/mid and haven't even hit lvl 30 yet lmao. But I was thinking of maybe mentioning ELO boosting in LoL and CS:GO, and maybe talking about betting CS skins, and CS skin jackpots. The jackpot sites, people literally will put like $3000 or so into a pot that totals $5000 so they get 60% (3000/5000) of winning the whole thing. I've watched streamers lose $10,000 over the course of a day on those haha.

        But I also want to atleast have 1 slide of my powerpoint talking about ACTUAL goldfarming so she doesn't complain that I didn't talk about it specifically. ELO boosting is a great point though! Good lookin out homie
        Professional amount-of-jellybeans-in-a-jar guesser.

        Negging your alts since 2013


        • #5
          Re: Goldfarming in video games

          League of Legends is actually a major talking point in my presentation. Here's what my outline looks like just in case you gave half a fuck:

          1. Gaming Technology
          a. Hardware
          - PC (Steam)
          - Console (PS4, Xbox, Wii)
          - Mobile (Android, Apple)
          b. Peripheral
          - Mouse
          - Keyboard
          - Headset
          2. Community
          a. Culture
          - Ethics (toxicity vs friendliness), swatting, goldfarming
          - Slang (ggwp thru Kappa)
          - Groups/fanboys (COD vs BF, 2K vs Live, Xbox vs PS, LoL vs Dota)
          b. Competitive
          - Casual vs Ranked
          - Team favorites (TSM vs CLG/Fnatic)
          - Overwhelming viewership (better than NBA finals)
          3. Career
          a. Competitive (cont.)
          - Highly skilled individuals (ranking %
          - Salary compared to other careers
          - Investment from Fortune 500 companies
          - Coverage by ESPN
          b. Content creator
          - YouTube
          - Twitch

          I'm gonna talk about how LoL Worlds had more viewers than NBA finals, and how much some of the pro players get paid in comparison to other popular career fields. Also gonna talk about how some fortune 500 companies are beginning to sponsor these teams because they see the growth of E-sports and how ESPN even covers "e-sports" now.
          Professional amount-of-jellybeans-in-a-jar guesser.

          Negging your alts since 2013


          • #6
            Re: Goldfarming in video games

            i was in the top 30 amumu's in NA (lol) on i spammed him building full ap i would just go in 1v4 and solo carry the fkin games


            • #7
              Re: Goldfarming in video games

              if i do ranked this year im going for sona only to challenger


              • #8
                Re: Goldfarming in video games

                doubt its possible


                • #9
                  Re: Goldfarming in video games

                  gold farming in runescape you are basicly just running simple scripts if im not mistaken


                  • #10
                    Re: Goldfarming in video games

                    i fkin hate scripters cuz playing vs them when u are trying to boost accounts is fkin lame


                    • #11
                      Re: Goldfarming in video games

                      Originally posted by FuccBoiFresh View Post
                      gold farming in runescape you are basicly just running simple scripts if im not mistaken
                      Yeah, I'm trying to get in contact with one of my homies who said he used to run bots while he was at school and then sell the gold or the accounts to friends. I wanna get his take on it, because he probably knows enough for me to cover the information needed.

                      Also, if I did ranked right now, I'd probably be mid-high bronze or low silver lol. My friends that got me into playing are all around plat, and one of them has that tournament ryze skin that you only get from winning a LAN. I'm not great though.

                      When I was learning to play, before I bought Annie, I was trying Lux. I ulted a tower. I thought her ult could damage a tower...
                      Also, while trying to find my niche, I did Garen top lane. Bought 2 sunfire capes. I guess so I could keep the other one clean? Idk.
                      My friends had a fun time trying to teach me lmao.
                      Professional amount-of-jellybeans-in-a-jar guesser.

                      Negging your alts since 2013


                      • #12
                        Re: Goldfarming in video games

                        i don't think goldfarming has to be negative. If someone puts time and effort into something they should be able to sell what they have accumulated in that time, if they wish. its really an example of our capitalistic society, where people are constantly finding new crafts and industries to make money. that is if they are actually playing the game and not running code/ programs to cheat the game.


                        • #13
                          Re: Goldfarming in video games

                          multiple sunfire capes on garen is essential i buy at least 4. u need to map the handstand emote to a good button so u can go i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i--i-i-i-i-i-i-i'm holding the world up. ur enemys wont know what to do.

                          best champ to learn for someone at your skill level is lee sin if you can master him everyone else is relatively easy except orianna azir and some of the new champs i don't know.


                          • #14
                            Re: Goldfarming in video games

                            also main jungle and support they are the only fun roles


                            • #15
                              Re: Goldfarming in video games

                              in wow they had powerleveling i dunno how that worked though.


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