9 Fun Blind Date Ideas That’ll Definitely Break the Ice

A blind date can be extremely exciting, but it can also be super-stressful, especially if you’re not sure how to break the ice.

Whether it’s your first blind date or you’ve already been on several, it’s good to have some blind date ideas on hand to keep things fresh and exciting.

Read on for a list of nine super-fun blind date options that will help you break the ice and create a memory that will inspire more dates to come.

1. Attend a Cooking Class Together

Cooking food is a very immersive experience, and it’s also a whole lot of fun. Ask your blind date if they’d like to meet up for an introductory class.

Whether it’s baking desserts or making a four-course meal, cooking classes are a great way to get to know each other in a fun setting. You’ll also get to enjoy the fruits of your labor after the class is over while learning more about your date.

2. Blind Date Ideas for the Adventurous

If both of you love spending time outdoors, consider a blind date that involves a little exploring. The date can be both of you meeting up at a bike or nature trail to head outside and check out your surroundings.

You don’t need to be into extreme sports in order to enjoy being outside but check with your date to make sure this is something they’re into, too. When you hang out together in the great outdoors, it’s a fabulous way to enjoy the silence and beauty of nature as you learn more about each other’s personality.

3. Have a Little Friendly Competition

You can show off your competitive side with a blind date involving a few fun activities like darts, foosball, or bowling. Check out a local bowling alley and arcade where you can play fun games with each other to see who comes out on top.

These types of dates are a great way to break the ice since they involve tons of fun and a little friendly competition. Just make sure you don’t gloat if you win or you don’t pout and be a sore loser if your date happens to kick your butt.

4. Create a Bond Over Music

When it comes to amazing blind date ideas, a music festival or live concert is a great start. Ask your date what kind of music they enjoy and then look for any upcoming live events.

If you both share a love of music and even better, you both like the same artist, this is a great way to break the ice and have a fun, memorable time. Keep in mind that concerts can be loud, so you might need to sneak away to someplace quiet if you want to have a deep conversation.

5. Visit Local Attractions

One great way to break the ice on a blind date is to check out a local museum or zoo. These attractions are a lot of fun and they’re perfect as a good conversation starter.

Whether it’s observing fine art or watching live animals, blind dates at these places are always a lot of fun. You can even visit several different museums if they happen to be close to each other and your date is down for a few various experiences at once.

6. Enjoy a Romantic Picnic

A fabulous picnic in the park is a blind date that simply can’t be beaten. Gather a few delicious snacks and sandwiches and if you’re feeling daring, a bottle of wine.

Invite your date to meet at a public place, and then you can trek over to a grassy spot in the park together. Just remember to bring a roomy blanket, your basket full of goodies, and be ready for some great conversation.

7. Check Out an Amusement Park or Carnival

There’s nothing quite as classic as a blind date at a fun amusement park or local carnival. Whether you love riding rides together or trying your hand at skeeball, it’s the perfect choice to break the ice.

If your date isn’t into riding rides, there’s still plenty to do at an amusement park. Check out a live show for entertainment or spend some time on the bumper cars, carousel, or just show off your skills by winning your date a prize.

8. See a Show

From small local theater productions to a major Broadway show, it’s a fabulous option for a really fun blind date. Purchase a pair of tickets to an awesome show that will entertain you both and help spark up some conversation later.

A live show can be anything from a poetry slam in a small cafe to a huge production in a beautiful theater. Whichever you choose, this type of date is perfect for anyone who appreciates the performing arts.

9. Gaze up at the Stars

Nothing is quite as romantic as a moment together underneath the Milky Way. After a lovely dinner or another event, ask your date if they’d like to join you in some stargazing.

Make sure you choose a night with good weather and clear skies that are free of clouds. This type of date is perfect for breaking the ice, but it’s a good idea to do it only after you’ve spent time together during the first part of your date.

Break the Ice with a Fun Date

Try some of these blind date ideas the next time you have something planned so you can break the ice and get to your know your date better. From a hike on the nature trail to a live concert, there’s plenty of ways you can get to know each other while having a great time.

Ask your date what they’re interested in before you make plans so you know it’s something they’ll enjoy. If all goes well, you may end up with a second or even third date!

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