Which is the Best Weight Loss Surgery Option for You?

The global bariatric surgery market was valued at $1.96 billion as of 2018. However, it’s estimated to hit $3.5 billion by 2024. The fact remains that people are adopting the best weight loss surgery options to deal with the weight menace.

Many people undergo tedious and often unsuccessful procedures when looking to cut down some weight. Surgery is a more conventional and successful method when it comes to weight loss.

Weight loss surgery popularly referred to as bariatric surgery is a popular trend today. There are different types of bariatric surgery whereby minimally invasive procedures are applied to the digestive tract. Below are some of the best weight loss surgeries to undertake. Read on!

Gastric Bypass

Gastric bypass surgery is a form of weight loss surgery that targets the abdominal section of the stomach. It is the most conventional weight loss surgery and has a surprisingly simple operation. 

The goal of the gastric bypass is to reduce the stomach’s food-holding capacity. Less food means a loss in weight gained. Surgeons shrink the size of a patient’s abdomen, bypass a section of the digestive tract to absorb less food. 

There are also two notable forms of gastric bypass surgery that differ in terms of their complexity:

1. Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass

Roux-en-Y is the most prevalent form of gastric bypass and by far the simplest. The surgeon makes a small incision on the stomach during Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. Afterward, vertical banding is used to bring together a part of the stomach to form a pouch. 

Next, the doctor attaches a Y-shaped piece of the small intestine to this pouch, effectively making a bypass for food. This leads to less food absorption.

2. Extensive Gastric Bypass

This is more complicated than the two. Surgeons doing extensive gastric bypass surgery remove the lower section of the stomach. They then reconnect the pouch to the end of the small intestine effectively bypassing the first two sections.

This procedure isn’t popular because of the high complication rate associated with it. However, it works for weight loss.

Risks Associated with Gastric Bypass

This procedure is not straightforward, and there ought to be some risks. Usually, your doctor will share more info to help you understand each procedure well. The most common hazards of gastric bypass include:

1. Nutritional Deficiencies

This is an obvious disadvantage of gastric bypass. Food doesn’t get into the small intestine adequately, and the patient is unable to absorb nutrients like vitamins and carbohydrates. Poor absorption can lead to further nutritional deficiencies.

2. Stomal Stenosis

The connection between the small intestines and the stomach narrows, causing vomiting, reflux, and nausea as well as an inability to eat. This process changes the way the body handles food. Therefore, before considering gastric bypass surgery, consult with your doctor adequately.

Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty

This is one of the best weight loss surgery options with the same goals as other standard bariatric surgical procedures. It aims at reducing the capacity of the stomach, hamper your intake capacity, and ultimately lead to weight loss.

Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty requires a lifestyle change for success. However, it isn’t a silver bullet for obesity, and the patient’s contribution is essential for long-term success. Frequent exercises and dietary changes are vital in daily life after the operation.

Failure to adhere to a lifestyle change sees immediate weight gain. The goal of this surgery is to help one lose weight.

Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty is for obese or people with a very high BMI. It is the best procedure for people ineligible for the typical weight loss procedures.

Lap-Band Surgery

This is a restrictive weight loss surgery where doctors seek to reduce the size of the stomach. The result is less food intake because the stomach can’t hold as much food as before.

Also known as a Gastric Banding Surgery, the Lap-Band operation involves the use of laparoscopy. These are small incisions in the belly where doctors place and adjust a silicone band on the belly’s upper section. 

Typically, this adjustment is to make the band tight around this section of the stomach. The stomach then forms a diminished pouch. Lap-Band surgery is highly successful, and patients lose up to 45% of their excess weight.

Possible Side Effects

Being a surgical procedure, some side effects are involved in it. Side effects are nausea and vomiting, which features in other weight loss surgical procedures. On the off chance, death can occur, but it’s very rare.

Decreasing the stiffness of the band around the patient’s belly can lessen the common problems. Other minor complications include bleeding and minor wound infection. The device adjustment mechanism causes these complications.

Nutritional deficiencies feature widely in other weight loss procedures. Bypassing the small intestine has a massive effect because it interferes with food absorption. In this procedure, only the small intestine isn’t affected- only the size of the stomach is decreased. 

Lap-Band surgery is the least invasive and probably the best weight loss operations. Also, it is reversible if need be. After reversing, the stomach returns to its standard size.

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

This procedure is similar to sleeve gastrostomy. It begins with the removal of a large part of the stomach and bypassing of a large part of the intestines. The middle section of the intestine is closed off, leading to a sort of duodenal switch.

Choosing the Best Weight Loss Surgery Procedure

All of the above procedures are applicable. The ideal option depends on your body type and health. Weight loss surgery for the obese is different than that of the overweight.

Before undertaking any procedure, talk to your doctor about the pros and cons. Besides, it’s essential to understand whatever you are taking yourself through. Be well-versed with the complications and side effects that are likely to occur.

It is advisable to choose well-experienced surgeons for this procedure. It is less likely to have any complications when dealing with experts.

The Bottom Line

Below are some of the best weight loss surgery options to undertake. If you have been having a problem with excess weight and calories, surgery is an ideal option. Provided you do due diligence, everything will come out well.

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