Lights, Camera, Action: The Top 5 Benefits of Video Marketing

One minute of video content is worth about 1.8 million words

In other words, you can fit 3,000 blog posts that are 1,000 each into a single, 3-minute video. 

If you haven’t started a video marketing campaign yet, you’re limiting the success of your business. That’s why we’ve put together this guide to help you understand some of the most important benefits of video marketing. 

So let’s get started!

1. They Improve Your Conversion and Sales Rate 

Video production can be a complicated and sometimes expensive process, but it gives your business an amazing return on investment. 

For example, adding a single product video on the landing page of your website can increase your conversion rate by 80%. In fact, over 85% of people are more likely to buy your products or services if they watch a video about it first. 

That means you’ll start to make more sales. 

2. They Showcase Your Products Better 

No one is going to buy your product if they don’t know what it is or what it does. 

Video marketing gives you a way to show your audience how your product can help them solve a problem in their lives. You can also use marketing videos to explain how your product works and how to use it at home.  

3. They Boost Your Google Ranking

When people watch your videos, they stay on your page for longer. That tells Google your website has quality content. This, in turn, builds trust with Google and boosts your search engine ranking. 

But your videos have to have quality content. Otherwise, people won’t stick around to watch them. If you don’t experience making marketing videos yourself, you should consider working with a professional video production company instead. 

4. They’re Easy for Customers to Consume 

Videos are easier for people to consume than blog posts. In fact, over 55% of the people who click on one of your blog posts will stop reading after only 15 seconds—or even less. 

Watching a video is an easier and more enjoyable way for your customers to find answers to their questions. 

On top of that, videos are also compatible with mobile users. About 78% of all video content is watched on mobile devices. This means your audience can watch your videos when they’re away from home or on the go. 

Marketing videos can also improve your customer engagement. If people like what they see, they can share your video on their social media platforms. In fact, videos actually encourage social media shares. 

By creating marketing videos, you can reach more people in a more engaging way. 

5. They Make You and Authority 

When people click on your videos, they’re looking for answers to questions or relevant information. Well-put-together videos deliver this content in a way that builds trust with the viewers. 

Because of this, videos can make your business more of an authority on your products or services. Once this happens, people will be more likely to choose your business over others that don’t have this type of authority. 

Understanding the Benefits of Video Marketing

Some of the most important benefits of video marketing include improved conversion and sales rates, better Google ranking, and more customer engagement. But those are just a few of the benefits marketing videos can bring your business. 

Want more information about video marketing? Make sure you explore more of our blog!