Torrenting sites

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  • Torrenting sites

    Few of the more popular torrenting sites were able to survive the attacks and persecution of the major copyright holders who wanted to maintain their monopolies and continue serving up only mediocre product.
    In addition, many were abused by leechers who did not understand the sharing principle and who were just looking for free content.
    These days most of the best torrent sites have gone underground and are invite only. If you are interested in these the subreddit r/trackers is a good resource.
    These days few torrenters visit individual sites and instead use a metasearch engine such as Bit Che for all their torrenting needs.

  • #2
    You're right. Today there is still the problem of monopolists and copyrights, but the Internet is very huge and torrents are a salvation for users who do not want to pay a lot of money to watch a movie. I've been using the pirate bay my whole life and never paid for a netflix or amazon prime subscription so I don't feel guilty about watching all movies and shows not on these huge paid streaming sites but on a free torrent. Click to visit pirate bay and you'll understand why I only hang out here.


    • #3
      The best client, in my opinion, is Flylink DC++
      download speed more torrents, because directly from users' computers, although for torrents there is a similar option (DHT mode), but in this case the traffic is not counted in your ranking, because it goes besides the tracker.


      • #4
        Thank you for the information!


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