Question: does anybody on YT currently make highlight clips of battles?

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  • Speculation Question: does anybody on YT currently make highlight clips of battles?

    I was thinking about GT vs NWX 1, and someone
    put subtitles on it (forogt who you were, now you are on this site i believe) while editing out the extra crowd noise and it flowed so much better.

    does anyone currently make 5 - 15 minute highlight videos of a 40 - 60 minute long battles ?

    if not, someone should do this seems like a new idea.

  • #2
    Re: Question: does anybody on YT currently make highlight clips of battles?

    Minnesota Luke


    • #3
      Re: Question: does anybody on YT currently make highlight clips of battles?

      nah not like that.

      i mean like think about it like sports highlights. when you dont want to see the game and you just wanna watch the highglights, does anyone do that with battles. like URL , UDUBB, kotd, etc.


      • #4
        Re: Question: does anybody on YT currently make highlight clips of battles?

        I can't see that being very beneficial to the leagues. It would just take away from the views.


        • #5
          Re: Question: does anybody on YT currently make highlight clips of battles?

          Yeah why the fuck would the leagues want that lmao


          • #6
            Re: Question: does anybody on YT currently make highlight clips of battles?

            maybe they could offer it themselves.

            i think big leagues would take it down, but others wouldnt.

            you'd be surprised, there are some URL PPV bootlegs with 300K views of certain matchups still uploaded currently


            • #7
              Re: Question: does anybody on YT currently make highlight clips of battles?

              for the consumer tho that needs to be done, fire idea. you can watch surf/top highlights in like 10 minutes


              • #8
                Re: Question: does anybody on YT currently make highlight clips of battles?

                Sure just like leagues shouldn't offer contracts

                I get your viewpoint, you're a consumer

                The fact that you think this would be a good business move makes zero sense

                It would be great for the consumer for every cell phone provider to not require contracts

                Like I said these companies are here to make money


                • #9
                  Re: Question: does anybody on YT currently make highlight clips of battles?

                  Not trying to attack you, just saying a lot of things that make sense for a consumer don't make sense for a company


                  • #10
                    Re: Question: does anybody on YT currently make highlight clips of battles?

                    That being said I'm pretty sure that Masked Inasense guy has done highlights


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