describe total slaughter event in a nutshel

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  • #61
    Re: describe total slaughter event in a nutshel

    Originally posted by Glassjar22 View Post
    Ars exposed him self as a man who likes to spy on other men while they jerk off, Big T had a panic attack. Day wore a Spawn costume, Rex wore a butch lesbian costume. No one was reacting to Days bars so he decided to eat peanut-butter out of his own ass knowing that the mindless rap battle community would ironically proclaim it genius "some Andy Kaufman type shit" instead of just a guy ripping off a scene from training day, Rex had a bar about getting his dick sucked infront of little kids which the paedophilistic crowd loved. Mook 3-0ed lux but still looks like a grown up cousin skeeter. Hollow knowing he will never have a record deal or mass appeal decided to insult the Jews who run hip hop, Joe Budden pulled out the notepad.

    Lmao. ^^^this.^^^.

    Lux should've been the one to strip naked and take a shit on stage to overshadow the entire fiasco and his fanbois would've thought he was an autistic "genius" making countless threads on the subliminal meanings of it.

    Instead lux shit his Depends adult diapers.


    • #62
      Re: describe total slaughter event in a nutshel

      Total Slaughter made light skin niggas look bad


      • #63
        Re: describe total slaughter event in a nutshel

        I told yall to let battle rap die after the hollow vs lux event.. its all of your fault. Bar quality has been dropping rapidly ever since and yall condoning it.

        If this stuff is true, ars is up there in legendhood with the likes of serius jones, thesaurus, rex, jin, and some others


        • #64
          Re: describe total slaughter event in a nutshel

          Oo yea and dna


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