7 Innovative Web Design Trends for 2019

Would you like to own a popular website?

Websites are the pinnacle of the internet and are where information can be found. People make use of websites to access social media, video content, photos, email, and more.

Having a trendy website is essential to succeed in a competitive market that is the internet. There are several trends that you can take advantage of to run a successful website.

Continue reading to learn 7 innovative web design trends!

1. Black and White

Websites that use strictly shades of black and white are becoming popular because they provide a different look. Many websites try to blast the user with multiple colors, but this can leave the user lost.

Using black and white themes and photos make things clearer. Some people use black and white so they can more easily highlight something. A black and white website with a red accent color on a highlighted word will attract attention.

2. Dark Mode

To truly form trends, you need multiple websites to follow your method. Having dark mode alternatives to regular websites is a trend that is becoming massively popular.

The likes of YouTube, Twitter, and Reddit all offer a dark theme that can be activated at any time. Similar to black and white websites, a dark mode allows the user to rest their eyes a bit.

Dark mode effectively dims all of the white space on a website or application. The color of a website in dark mode will often be grey or dark blue. Twitter has gone as far as to offer a “super dark” mode which makes the background black.

A website that makes use of a black background will save more battery life of phones that use AMOLED, which operate by turning off pixels that aren’t displaying color.

3. Video Content

Incorporating videos into a website can be difficult because they sometimes seem spammy. However, there is a lot that can be done with video content that many people don’t consider.

Video content allows you to create something for people that don’t like to read a lot. If your website has an About Us section, incorporate a video with it to give it more personality.

People feel as if they know you when they watch videos and they don’t have to speculate who’s on the other side of the screen.

Not only can you better engage with your audience, but you can also rank higher on Google by using videos on your website.

4. Minimalism

Minimalism is another web design trend that people are using because of its simplicity. A minimalistic website is designed to get a person’s point across without having their audience think too much.

This means avoiding flashy images, videos, colors, and having fewer things to interact with. Your website won’t be the most engaging website in the world, but it will sit well with people that don’t like navigating through various pages.

Minimalist designs are often used for websites that are about photography. Rather than filling a photography site with words and links, a minimalist design will typically display photos as the main focus and a few sections off to the side.

5. Touch Screen Optimization

Having a website that is optimized for mobile devices is one of the website designing standards. More than 50% of the people that use the internet visit websites via mobile.

Not having a website that is optimized for mobiles devices will cause you to quickly lose viewers. If you look at the best website designer Mumbai has to offer, they design websites that look great on computers and mobile devices.

A website that is optimized for mobile devices can sometimes mean changing its general appearance, but it will be better designed for a hand. Many mobile versions of websites use sliding features and drop-down menus for easy access.

6. Content-Filled Landing Page

There’s a general rule that website designers follow when making a new site. If they can’t keep a viewer for longer than 15 seconds, it’s not a good design.

By making a landing page (home page) engaging and eye-catching, you can ensure that a user visits the rest of your website.

Because of the 15 second rule, many websites that revolve around business put their target information on their home page. For example, if you run a construction company, you’d put your contact info and services on your home page.

This is especially true for companies like Amazon, who put a plethora of items for sale on their home page. Since their website is based around selling, they use their landing page as a place to advertise that.

7. Chatbots

As technology is advancing, AI is becoming increasingly smarter. Modern AI allows users to get answers for their questions without having to speak to someone directly.

Chatbots are making their way into the market because they lessen the human resources required for customer service. They will show up in the corner of the screen when visiting a website.

Users have the option to close these at any time, but they can also use them to search for products or information.

This type of idea isn’t very new because phones have incorporated interactive voice responses into phones calls years. Now, on the computer, we have the ability to speak the way we want rather than using pre-made commands.

Chatbots are capable of understanding sentence structure and make use of keywords to conclude what a person is seeking.

Innovative Web Design Will Help You

You will need to follow some of these trends if you’d like your website to truly take off. These trends make use of innovative web design to keep users engaged and interested in your site.

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