the backstory behind jjdd vs shazaam

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  • the backstory behind jjdd vs shazaam

    ​​​​I once told the story of this on the RYD-facebook group so I'm posting that here as well then. I heard this by listening to a travel podcast that a friend of mine has (that is in Swedish, by the way). Shazaam was on as a guest on an episode from last year (2019 mind you). Initially, I didn't listen to that episode. Because I don't care for Shazaam at all anymore. My friend, who knows that I am a battle rap fan, told me that I should listen to it because of this particular story.

    First of all, the reason why it was a title match and in Australia was partly because Shazaam's sisters live in Brisbane, Australia. When he visited his sisters in 2012 he heard that there was a league in Australia. He contacted Decoy about maybe battling while being on his holiday. So he got invited to battle Manaz Ill on Got Beef in 2012. Decoy fronted the money to fly him to Adelaide and he also flew out Nils M/ Skils (as he was Shazaam's 2-on-2 partner) for a 2-on-2 against him & Sprungy.

    Cut to 2014 where Dunks, who was at the time the reigning titleholder of the league, wanted to battle Shazaam. Decoy set this up as a promo battle but Shazaam persuaded both Decoy & Dunks to raise the stakes to make it a title match. Shazaam wins the battle, thus becoming the champion & the titleholder for the league.

    Now here comes the craziness as the following year, there was an event where they had another title match. And this time Decoy has the title match being Shazaam v John John Da Don. Decoy booked John John as he wanted to have a big-name draw to get the league back on its feet again.

    However, this is around the time all the crazy shit happened around Decoy as he got outed as a pedophile. The league itself is in a mess due to very few people wanting to do business with Decoy or the league.

    Decoy managed to talk to Shazaam about all the allegations being false and how he wants to get this event going, etc, etc. Shazaam didn't believe any of the shit that Decoy was saying but in Shazaam's own words, he was not going to say no to a free trip to Australia so he could also visit his sisters.

    The event where the battle happened was nothing short of shambles, for lack of better terms. The location was moved 4 times on the day where the event was happening. Decoy kept updating the Facebook page for the event every time the location was moved. The third time it was moved, it was to a park in Adelaide. Shazaam went to the park along with his sister, who was going to see him battle for the first time in the flesh.

    Some Australians in the RYD-group chimed in that the reason why the event was moved four times was that people wanted to beat up Decoy. I never knew this as this is a retelling of what Shazaam said on the podcast and he never mentioned this part.

    Shazaam turned up to the park. Where he quickly found out that there was not going to be a battle there. That is where Decoy sent him a text for the fourth and final location for where the event was to actually take place. And it eventually took place at a strip club. It is in the backroom of an Adelaide strip club. No real audience except for the rappers that were there, some patrons of that strip club and some of the strippers who you see on screen.
    Originally posted by HEISTBVA
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