Don’t Look Like a Scrub! 8 Tips to Look Great When You Wear Scrubs

Many people envy those who get to wear scrubs to work every day. Compared to typical business attire, they seem so comfortable.

However, people in the medical industry who go to work in scrubs may have something to say about that. They don’t get the chance to express themselves through fashion. Instead, every day is the same.

It turns out, though, a little creativity can go a long way. Simply by employing a few tricks, you can still look great while wearing medical scrubs.

If we have your attention, keep reading. We’re going over eight tips that will help you look great in your scrubs.

1. Find a Good Fit

Not all scrubs have to be oversized and baggy. In fact, it’s better if they’re custom fitted. This allows you to move freely and avoid tripping.

Investing in a pair of scrubs that are fitted to your body type is one of the easiest ways to look better. This makes sense given that form-fitting clothes are in style now.

Before you buy your next pair, make sure you get measured. You’ll notice a huge difference in the way you look and feel in scrubs that fit you well.

Check out this blog article for more information on wearing well-fitted scrubs.

2. Take Advantage of Layering

Medical facilities and offices have a reputation for being cold. If you’re spending 40 hours a week in one, you need to be comfortable.

This is a perfect opportunity to add some style to your outfit. If you have short-sleeved scrubs, wear a tight-fitting, long-sleeved shirt underneath. This gives you the opportunity to add some colors or patterns to your outfit.

If you’re allowed to wear a cardigan or light jacket over your scrubs, opt for something you’d choose outside of work. This is your chance to mix in a little of your own personal style.

3. Accessorizing is Essential

There are a number of easy ways to spice up or personalize your look while in scrubs. It just takes a little accessorizing.

Women can opt for eye-catching earrings, pendants, or even pins. As long as it doesn’t get in the way of your job, jewelry is a great way to look more stylish at work.

You can also wear a watch you like or even personalize your stethoscope with covers or charms. Patients will love this.

Another great idea is to have your name embroidered on your scrubs. This is a great way to stand out and give your outfit more character.

4. Make Sure Your Hair Looks Great

Because wearing scrubs limits your fashion options, you need to find other areas to express yourself. A great hairstyle is a perfect opportunity.

If you feel the need for a change, consider a new style. This will improve your look and make you feel better about your appearance while working.

One thing to keep in mind is that your hair needs to be comfortable as well. The last thing you want is your hair getting in the way during a long shift. Consider going short for a functional yet fashionable look.

If your job permits it, add a touch of bright color to take things up a notch. There’s no reason you can’t get creative and still do your job well.

5. Color Coordinate

If you have the freedom to choose whatever scrubs you like, why stick to basic colors? Opt for something that suits your skin tone.

You should also consider choosing different colors for tops and bottoms. This allows you to get away from the bland look of single-colored scrubs.

Patterns and stripes add something different as well. Keep some of these on hand for when you feel like spicing things up a bit.

If you’re layering, this is a great opportunity to color coordinate. Choose layers that work well with the color of your scrubs. You can also stand out by clashing your colors.

6. Avoid Being Frugal

When it comes to buying scrubs, this isn’t an area you want to adhere to your budget. Paying a little more for higher-quality scrubs will drastically improve your appearance. They also last longer.

Scrubs with a higher price tag come with more features. You can find fabric that’s wrinkle-resistant and more flexible. These will make working much more comfortable and keep you looking great throughout long shifts.

Paying more for quality also means you’ll get softer fabric that’s easy to manage. Make sure the pair you buy will stand up to machine washing and don’t need ironing. This will make your life much easier.

7. Mix it Up

If you work in the medical industry, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t have a wide selection of scrubs. This is the best way to add some versatility to your work attire.

This also allows you to dress based on your mood. If you don’t care about your appearance and just want to have a successful day at work, opt for a uniform color you know you like. If you’re feeling more adventurous, you can mix up your colors and patterns.

If you’re able to pick and choose from a wide selection, you won’t feel so bored with your work outfit. You’ll have the ability to express yourself while also looking professional.

8. Maintain Your Scrubs

Once you’ve purchased high-quality scrubs you like, make sure to take good care of them. This ensures they last a long time and you look your best every day.

Follow all the recommended washing and drying directions. This will help your scrubs hold up longer.

Darker colors will hide stains better. However, it may be a good idea to carry a stain removal stick to limit the damage.

Remember, your appearance has a lot to do with the reputation of the office you’re working in. Avoid looking tattered and worn out by keeping your scrubs in the best shape possible.

Wear Scrubs the Right Way and Look Your Best

Just because you’re required to wear scrubs doesn’t mean you can’t look great too. Once you find what works best, you’ll enjoy getting dressed for work and also remain comfortable throughout your shift.

Use the tips discussed above and add some style to your scrubs.

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