7 Types of Marketing Strategies That Mean Business for Your Business

You’ve got your business set up. Congratulations!

Now it’s time to get in front of your customers.

With the internet gaining popularity, there are more ways to get in front of your customers than ever. 89% of marketers polled said that adding digital marketing strategies to their marketing plan proved to be effective.

The question is, where do you start? Our post will give you the run-down of some of the most effective marketing strategies available online.

Keep reading to learn about seven types of marketing strategies that will help you grow your business.

1. Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the oldest forms of marketing on the web. It isn’t surprising that it’s also one of the most effective.

Studies show that for every dollar you spend on email marketing, you get $38 in return.

The question is, how do you build your email list? You’ll need to optimize your website to do this.

A standard method for gathering emails is to offer a freebie to your visitors. You’ll have an opt-in form on your site that will grab emails.

Once a user signs up, they’ll get your freebie in their email.

Once they sign up, they’ll get a marketing sequence that’s designed to sell them on your product.

2. Social Media Marketing

Do you remember how people used to communicate online? There were message boards everywhere. One for every subject you can think of.

Things have gotten simpler. People use social media now to connect with their friends and find groups that share their interests.

People spend a lot of time on social media too. Studies show that the average person spends an average of 2 hours and 22 minutes every day browsing their social network.

Luckily for you, social media sites provide great advertising tools to put you in front of their users.

Social media is also a way to engage with your customers. You can set up a company page to have updates show up on their news feeds.

When your customers see you more regularly and like your updates, they’ll become more loyal customers.

3. SEO Marketing

You probably know Google. It’s the biggest search engine on the market.

SEO can help you get in front of the people using it to find information.

People who are looking on Google for content use keywords to search for information. Keywords are what you want to focus on.

Google provides the Keyword Planner Tool, which will give you estimates for the search volume of keywords. You want to figure out what people are looking for and use your website to answer their questions.

4. PPC Marketing

Manually reaching people is hard and takes a lot of time. It’s easier when you can pay to get in front of your potential customers.

PPC marketing comes into play here. Websites like Google and Facebook provide platforms that allow you to pay for clicks to your site.

The good news is PPC can offer you faster results than manual work. You can scale a lot faster too.

You probably won’t see an immediate profit from advertising campaigns. You’ll need to monitor your advertisements to see what works, and then segment your demographics into separate campaigns.

Once you start seeing ROI, you can bump your budget up as much as you want to scale.

5. Remarketing

The chances are that you won’t sell your product to someone the first time they see it. Most businesses rely on getting in front of their customer’s on several occasions to make the sale.

That’s harder to do for a customer browsing your website. How do you keep track of them to target your marketing towards them at a later date?

This is where remarketing comes into play. Many paid advertising platforms will offer you retargeting pixels. These are small pieces of code you place on your website that will tag your visitors.

Whenever you want to target them in the future, you take your visitor list and create advertising campaigns based on this list.

These campaigns are often more cost-effective than regular advertising campaigns because you’re targeting consumers that have already shown interest in your products.

They’re also cheaper, so can see more ROI for your money.

6. Content Marketing

While content marketing can be a significant factor for SEO marketing, you can use it by itself to drive growth.

You can use your content to establish you as an expert in your field. Provide value to your visitors by proving them tips, guides, and walkthroughs.

When your visitor trusts what you say, it gives them a reason to trust you when buying products.

Creating great content is also a way to get shares for your website. People like to share the content they enjoy. This sharing can lead to exposure for your business that you may not have obtained otherwise.

Social media can be a significant factor here. It’s easy to share on Facebook and Twitter, so optimize your content for easy sharing on these platforms.

7. Referral Marketing

Do you have a way for your customers to refer others to your business? If not, you’re missing out on free advertising.

A referral program gives your customer rewards whenever they send you business. This reward can be anything from free meals to store credit to make purchases.

Word of mouth is one of the most powerful ways for your business to become popular. Nothing is better than satisfied customers.

But what happens most of the time is that the people who aren’t satisfied are the loudest. By giving your happy customers a way to spread good information about your business, you can get good customers and drown out any negativity.

Make Sure to Follow These Types of Marketing Strategies

The marketing landscape has changed forever. You need to keep up with the new marketing tools available so you can keep up with your competition.

The types of marketing strategies shown above are a great start. Use them to start getting in front of your customers.

If you’re looking for more marketing tips, then head over to our blog. We have plenty of resources that can help you get in front of your customers.